Guest Talk: Professor Sherryl Vint, “Living to Work: Biocapital, Synthetic Biology, and the Precaritization of Labour”

Plate from William Saville-Kent’s The Great Barrier Reef of Australia (1893).

Monday 5th August, 6-8.30 pm.

Keynes Library, 43 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD. We are very proud to be hosting Professor Sherryl Vint at the Keynes Library in Birkbeck’s School of Arts on Monday 5th August. Professor Vint is an enormously impressive scholar (you can read more about her achievements here and here) and we are very fortunate to have her. Vint will be presenting material from her forthcoming book on biotechnology, which will bear the impressive title The Promissory Imagination: Speculative Futures and Biopolitics. The title of the talk she is giving on the 5th is “Living to Work: Biocapital, Synthetic Biology, and the Precaritization of Labour,” and should make for a scintillating occasion, with many points of intersection with our reading group discussions from the past year.

All are welcome and the event is free to attend.  Please get in touch if you have any questions about the event (our email is If you want to let us know you’re coming, you can visit our Facebook page, or our page for the event.

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